NiQin shared an aphorism: 不可避而不战,否则即是徒然增加敌方的胜卷。 -- 马基雅维利
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Web Async-graphql Book (GraphQL server for Rust) No.63356a717093ceeeec072e88

NiQin updated at 2022-09-29 17:50:41+08:00

Hits: 82080

Keys/tags: rust graphql-rust graphql-server graphql-服务器 async-graphql-book async-graphql-手册

Async-graphql is a GraphQL server-side library implemented in Rust. It is fully compatible with the GraphQL specification and most of its extensions, and offers type safety and high performance. You can define a Schema in Rust and procedural macros will automatically generate code for a GraphQL query. This library does not extend Rust’s syntax, which means that Rustfmt can be used normally. I value this highly and it is one of the reasons why I developed Async-graphql.