NiQin shared an aphorism: “人要学会走路,也要学会摔跤,而且只有经过摔跤,才能学会走路。” 对于一个人来说,这正是磨练。给生活添点料,经过千锤百炼的人生,更加耐人寻味。 -- 佚名
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Programming Languages The Rustdoc book No.6333ec894cf3e9b0651d3731 Sticky

NiQin updated at 2022-09-28 14:41:13+08:00

Hits: 41877

Keys/tags: rust rustdoc rustdoc-book rustdoc-手册 rust-crate-文档

Learn how to make awesome documentation for your crate. The standard Rust distribution ships with a tool called `rustdoc`. Its job is to generate documentation for Rust projects. On a fundamental level, Rustdoc takes as an argument either a crate root or a Markdown file, and produces HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.